Adding one TRX move at a time

Why I Love TRX – A Single Step Modifies the Difficulty of Almost Any Exercise

My favorite thing about the TRX* is that I can easily modify any exercise so it requires the right amount of effort, by using the distance of my feet from the strap to change my body angle. Sharper angle = more difficult.

I used to get frustrated by push-ups because they were hard on my wrists, and I could do so few of them without modifying. The TRX, while being expensive for a set of straps with handles that hang from the ceiling, lets me experiment with the angle to be just challenging enough based on the number of reps I’d like to do.

I did some TRX training while using a coach to train for my last half marathon, before Greg got me one for my birthday 🙂

Our Gym

My TRX across from our super fun orange accent wall (energy!) and next to our treadmill.


Adding One Move at a Time

I’ve been doing the exercises I remember best, and have started learning one at a time to add to my routine. I find it overwhelming to try to do an entirely new set of TRX exercises. It’s much easier to start with some rows and squats that I know how to do, and then watch an online video about another exercise, and practice it until I’m comfortable that I’ve got the form down, and then add something else.

If something doesn’t feel right the next day, I know exactly which exercise I was doing new that probably triggered it (assuming it’s more than just muscle soreness) and can evaluate either the difficulty or my form.

Y Fly

Today I’m adding the Y Fly – found a video on youtube that shows me exactly what to do.


YouTube for Exercise Videos

YouTube can be a great source for exercise videos, and I like this one because it’s from the TRX official channel which gives it added credibility. (My big fear for using YouTube for workout videos is that I’ll misinterpret someone’s instructions and get injured, so detailed, credible training videos seem best.)

*I am not sponsored by TRX or making any money as an affiliate. My biceps have a relationship with TRX, my bank account does not. Well except that I bought one, so I guess it has a negative relationship. Actually it was a birthday present. Greg’s bank account has a negative relationship with TRX. Full disclosure.

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