Be Boston Strong: Donate Blood

I even got a free t-shirt!

After the 2013 Boston Marathon, I made a pledge to myself that I would try to donate blood as close as I could to every eight weeks, the maximum donation schedule.  I just donated my second time since the marathon.

Donating blood is my way of being Boston Strong, a unified Boston, part of a greater Boston community that I hope can react to tragedy by being better to one another.

I encourage other runners to donate blood, or find their own way to give.  It feels great to know that my blood (and I’m O-, the universal donor, so they get super excited when I show up) could save someone’s life, help a seriously injured person heal, or revitalize someone who is chronically ill.

If you’re a runner, then there’s a good chance you’re healthy enough and strong enough to give.  Consider visiting the Red Cross website to learn more.  You can find blood drives near you and make an appointment so you won’t have to wait to give (a must if you’re paying a baby-sitter!).  The discomfort is minimal compared to sprinting that hill, running an interval, or finishing that second week of Couch to 5k.  If you’re strong enough to keep going when you want to quit, you’re probably strong enough to get over the fact that no one really likes needles.  Or maybe you’d rather be strong enough to do Habitat for Humanity, or volunteer some other way.

I am so grateful that I am healthy enough to run.  I am so grateful that my husband, who ran the 2013 Boston Marathon, wasn’t near the explosions, and that my sons watched him at the halfway point and not at the finish.  I am grateful that I am in a position to give blood, rather than receive it.

When I give blood, I take time to feel grateful.  The little things don’t bother me as much for a while after that.  When I come home, I have more patience and perspective.  It’s an important reminder, an opportunity to help, and a chance to share my health with someone else.

What can you do?

If you see one of these trucks, chances are there’s a blood drive going on… consider stopping in and giving!


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