Big News – I’m going back to school!

It’s hard to believe looking at this photo that I have anything left to learn, I know. I know.
Just sent this e-mail to my family – and thought I’d share it with all of you, too!

Dear family,

I have exciting news – I’m going back to school!  Well, actually, I’m not GOING anywhere!  I’ve enrolled in an online certification program that allows me to do the coursework from home.

I’m going to become certified in Plant-Based Nutrition through eCornell, an online learning subsidiary of Cornell University:

This six week course is done in 2 week increments that I can schedule at my convenience.

My hope is to use the information to continue to feed my family a healthy, whole foods, plant-based (vegan) diet, as well as to better respond to questions about our eating.

My long-term goal is to become active in the plant-based food movement; I am considering the possibility of becoming certified to give Food For Life classes in the future:

Becoming a Food For Life instructor would mean that I’ll travel locally to give information sessions and cooking demonstrations to people interested in a whole foods, plant-based diet.  I would really enjoy doing this once the kids are in school full-time.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to advocate for healthier eating here on my blog, and will thoroughly enjoy learning more about the science behind plant-based eating.

I am so excited about becoming educated to help others who are interested in making different food choices and who need more information.

Many thanks to Greg for his support as I decide to continue my education, and his willingness to join me on this plant-based journey.  I’m grateful to everyone who has made us special meals, eaten at veg-friendly restaurants, and respected our desire to eat cruelty-free and pursue health in the process.

My first course starts April 8th!  I couldn’t be more excited 🙂


Kelly Caiazzo
B.A, M.A., M. Ed.
Coming soon: certified in plant-based nutrition!



  1. Awesome Kelly! This is perfect for you! Excited to benefit from your learning 🙂 Congrats!!

  2. Yay!! So exciting, Kelly. I also look forward to learning what you learn – a win for all your friends and readers 🙂 Congratulations!

  3. So awesome! Best of luck to you =)

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