Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr., Day is one of the most important holidays of the year.  Unlike Columbus Day, a New England holiday which fills history lovers with rage, Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrates one of the greatest heroes in history.

The news is filled with terrorist acts, school shootings, hostage situations.  Boko Haram, ISIS, al Qaeda.

Today is a day to celebrate a man who faced horrible, centuries long injustice with non-violence.  He showed the world how to create change with peace, how to spread ideas without spreading violence.

In a world where we are still fighting to show that #blacklivesmatter, and we still fear violence from people who do not agree with us, the work of Martin Luther King Jr. is doubly important.  It reminds us to step up our anti-racist efforts, and reminds the world that progress can be made peacefully.


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