Couch to 5K Week 1

I’ve completed Week 1 of Couch to 5K again! Yes, it feels strange to go from a half marathon in a November to a walk/run program in April.

But it also feels glorious. GLORIOUS, I tell you.

The workouts are half an hour including warm up and cool down. There’s 60 seconds of running followed by 90 seconds of recovery in the middle. My goal was to keep my running segments to my best 5k pace or less, and I am so far.

Whether that can keep happening or not, I don’t know. I’m essentially experimenting here to see how scaleable Couch to 5K is. Yes, it can get you from the couch to jogging a 5k in 9 weeks… but can it get me from the gym back to my 5k time with only three short runs a week?

We’ll see what happens to my pace as the run segments get longer. Regardless, it’s a doable amount of time to invest in running while simultaneously swimming, cycling and strength training. It’ll get me able to run those last three miles of Tri For a Cure in July, and I’m having fun.


1 comment

  1. Good for you! I’m doing a month long program to get back to my baseline running. Running 3 days a week, starting out walking 1 minute/running 3 minutes for 32 minutes the first week. So far so good. My half marathon training just ran off the rails and I stopped running, so I’m just trying to get back to regular running and I’m strength training twice a week.

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