First 12 Mile Run Completed!

Accidentally hit stop on my watch
and missed .4 miles of running : /

Got up at 5:30 and went for a 12 mile run Thursday morning.  My sister is visiting, so I slept an extra half hour even though I was running longer, and she took over breakfast with Will & Andrew when Greg left for work!

I’ve been doing a lot of running with no music, in part because I misplaced my ipod, and in part because as the mother of small children I usually crave silence.  Tuesday, I ran with music for the first time in over a month, for a change on my three mile run.  I loved it.  Having such a long break from music made it feel novel again, and my playlist energized me instead of irritating me.

For my 12 mile run, I listened to the Beatles for the first 90 minutes.  Past Master’s Volumes I and II, like I was 13 again.  I haven’t listened to them in a while, and they’re great for maintaining a long-run pace while staving off boredom.  I found myself zoning out and really enjoying the miles, not quite remembering which song would come next, but knowing it’d be a favorite.

Whether it was the Beatles, or the cool weather, or the confidence that is building with each long run I complete, I actually ran faster than my normal long run pace.  I didn’t look at my watch too much, I didn’t take more walking breaks than usual, and I averaged a 10:23 pace instead of 11 something.  Is it possible… that I’m IMPROVING?  Let’s not get crazy here.

I did an out and back run, because I was afraid I’d lose motivation on a loop and complete ten or eleven instead of the full 12.  Just before my turning point at mile 6, I crossed a second town line, which felt pretty cool.  I went into a gas station to ask if I could refill my water bottle, and couldn’t resist asking what town I was in.  I knew.  It just felt really cool to ask and hear out loud that I was two towns over.

At mile 8, I ran out of energy.  Literally.  I was so hungry that when my husband texted me to ask how my run was going, I texted him back such a pathetic message about how hungry I was and how I didn’t have cash that he located my iphone using his phone and drove out to give me Gu and half a banana on his way to work.  (I use the phrase “on his way” loosely, because it was NOT on his way.)

It was a damsel in distress, knight in shining armor kind of moment.  I lifted my gaze from the sidewalk to see the sun glinting off his silver car, him leaning against it, a Gu in one hand, water bottle in the other.  Ahh, it was amazing.  And you know the best part?  I never once thought to ask him for a ride home.

Greg snapped this photo – you can see me coming in the distance, just a purple speck 🙂

Lesson learned on this run: I should eat something before I leave, or carry extra Gu.  Two Gus is not enough to make up for a 1,083 Calories burned deficit first thing in the morning… I needed at least two with me in addition to the one I took before I left.  Good to know now, not on race day.

I hit the stop button instead of the lap button at
a stop light and missed .4 miles of running 🙁



  1. Congrats on your long run Kelly! It is such an awesome feeling when you have a great run AND see improvements from all the hard work and training. You are going to absolutely rock the half!!

    1. Thanks Amanda, I hope you’re right! I’m feeling pretty confident… and the great part of having good training runs is that I know that whatever happens on race day, I’ll feel like I did what I should have to prepare for it.

      There were some tough runs in the 8 and 9 mile long run range that made me feel like I wasn’t doing what I should to prep, and that can make you feel like you deserve to fail on race day. Not a good feeling.

      It’s great to have cooler weather for easier long runs and more enjoyable training!

  2. Great job!! I thought it was great that your husband would bring you water and Gu!!and I totally get why you asked what town you were in and had to giggle. I would have too!

    1. Haha glad I’m not alone… I knew I was being a dork, but it felt so cool 🙂 Promise me you’ll do it when you cross a town line for the first time and laugh yourself!

    2. I promise!

  3. So awesome! 😀

    1. Thanks Amy! I’m so excited for your 5k tomorrow 🙂

  4. Great job! Keep up the good work 🙂

  5. what a milestone, fantastic great job! i just a PR today for a much shorter distance but still was exciting. anyway,as i work away at my half marathon goal and look ahead, do u carry a water bottle for long runs or use something else and also educate me on goo? what are you using that is light weight to carry all of that while running long distances? i am sure this is elementary for most but i am new to this, so i am sorry for any repetition. again,congratulations and what a sweet “knight” you have. lisa

    1. Thanks Lisa!

      I use a Fuel Belt to hydrate on the run. I have the Nathan 1.5 Fuel Belt which has room for two small water bottles – there are different versions and sizes and they seem to run around $20-$30 so not too bad.

      I like the Fuel Belt because I don’t like carrying anything in my hands or on my arm when I run, I don’t even notice the extra weight around my waist. The Fuel belt is contoured to be comfortable with funny shaped water bottles so that it sits nicely when you run – I’ve had good luck with it. some people like the hand held water bottle carriers instead, all a matter of preference!

      Gu is a small, calorie and electrolyte dense nutrition pack of… well, goo (think frosting consistency) that helps replace some of your calories and nutrients while running long distances. It’s recommended by Gu that you take one fifteen minutes before you leave and every forty five minutes while you’re running. I usually only use Gu if I’m doing a run that’s over an hour, and then I follow those guidelines. Don’t mix them with a high calorie sports drink though, or you can have cramping from the sugar! I use mine in combination with water only, then drink a recovery drink or smoothie when I get home (and more water).

      There are lots of other brands like Gu out there, you can try different types and see which ones settle best on your stomach when you run.

      Congrats on your PR today!

      Hope that helps 🙂


    2. also, thanks for the question – I am so new to all this too that I feel like I’m asking the same stuff most of the time! I just am lucky enough to live with another runner who I can steal GU and fuel belts from and ask questions 🙂

  6. i so appreciate you and your answer, i will share with my friends all on this first time journey,thank you so much! lisa

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