First successful tempo run!

I ran my first successful tempo run this morning! Tempo runs are mentally challenging for me because unlike interval runs, where I push hard then stop, or long runs, where I run a long time but at an easy pace, I have to combine the hardest parts of both and maintain a slightly uncomfortable effort without any break.

My training plan had me running a mile easy, 3 miles at 9:34 pace, and another mile easy. I got some exciting family news this morning that caused me to head out a little fast, and my warm up mile was under 10 minute pace… but I still managed to keep every mile under my target pace, by about 10 seconds. (I just kept settling in around 9:25 pace.)

I’m feeling relieved – I knew if I had trouble completing my third tempo run, it’d mean I would have to start thinking seriously about adjusting my training plan. I didn’t really want to do that since I’m enjoying my intervals and long runs, and wouldn’t really know where to start to make it more manageable without sacrificing training. I don’t know how to make a training plan that hits that sweet spot where it’s challenging enough for maximum improvement without injury or failure. That’s why I picked up the book in the first place!

Looks like I am still in this.

Now, I just have to make it through 10 miles easy on Friday!

I’m less worried about that than I am about getting my runs completed once I return home from Maine. Here I have two amazing grandmothers helping with my boys so I can go run. Once I’m home, I’ll need to run and get back in time for Greg to get ready for work. That means up early, and it means I’ll need to go to bed early and sacrifice time with Greg after the boys go to sleep, and subject him to my 5 a.m. alarms… neither of which seems really fair to him. On Wednesdays for two weeks they’re in camp from 9-12 so I could treadmill it then… or run outside if it’s not hot… but that’s only one day out of three running days.

I hope we can make it work in a way that WORKS… rather than feeling like we’re both exhausted or sacrificing way too much time.

I’ve put a lot of heart into the pavement up here in Maine… I want to build on it and make it through this training for a fantastic race in October!

In the meantime, I’ve got some more beautiful Maine runs left!

Wednesday mornings are Mimi mornings!
I stole Will’s headphones to distract me from my effort during the tempo miles.
Loving Maine!


  1. Congratulations on the successful tempo run, it sounds really challenging! I want to start a couch to 5k program and I am really loving reading your blog to help me get in the headspace to start. Also, it is really interesting how you write about your process of goal selection – how meeting one goal might mean sacrifices in other areas of life. Very helpful to get some insight into your thought process. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Nadia! I highly recommend Couch to 5k – it was so DO-ABLE. It was hard, but I kept gradually making progress and it was so incredibly rewarding to get to the point where I could run a 5k. I felt so much better on days when I ran, I had more energy and slept better, it’s an incredible thing when you start running! Best wishes to you 🙂

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