Focus T25 – yup, I’m trying a workout video


That’s right… “workout video”.  I’ve never been great about doing consistent strength or cross training, and when I started taking a local barre class I realized how much I enjoyed diversifying my fitness routine.

So when Greg brought up the possibility of getting up early in the mornings and workout out together, we worked through the idea together and landed on Focus T25.  It’s a DVD set of workouts that takes 25 minutes a day (50 suggested on Friday) 5 days a week, with no equipment necessary, and impressive results if you stick with the program.  (It also has a suggested dietary guide, which unfortunately recommends eating dead animals, so we’ll stick to what we know about nutrition instead.)

It would have been nice to do one of the longer workouts like P90X or Insanity, but when I really thought about getting up THAT early and doing it regularly, I knew it wouldn’t happen.

25 minutes I can do.  That means waking up 45 minutes early, working out really hard, but only for 25 minutes, and doing it every day so it’s routine, with a break on the weekends.  I feel like I could run in the afternoon after a 25 minute workout, especially after I get more used to it.

I feel like in six months I could still be motivated to get up 45 minutes early, especially since if I’m doing it every week-day, I’ll start being able to fall asleep sooner.

I’ve always wanted to be the type of person who got up early every day and exercised, and the best way to do that is to start with something that requires consistency but not a huge time commitment.  I can do 25 minutes.  That means every morning I’ll get up, get some exercise, and be showered before the kids are awake.

I like a video because it doesn’t matter how cold or dark it is outside, I’m doing it right there.  If the kids wake up early, they can come watch… it’ll probably only be ten minutes.  Snow, sleet, hail or shine, none of those things can affect my motivation like they do when I try to get up and go for a run when it’s pitch black and 9 degrees out.

Can I also say that I’m really looking forward to the extra time with Greg?

We start tomorrow…

I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂



  1. I hear that’s a good one! and I love working out with Shaun T!! I could work out with him ALL.DAY.LONG!or just sit and stare – either way it’s a good workout 🙂

    1. Shaun T is great! Very positive but not in an overly cheerful or ungenuine way.

  2. I bought that too. I owned Insanity but it is too long for me (little kids too) T25 is awesome! I love it. I am marathon training and thought it would be a perfect addition to help me gain a bit of strength. At 25 minutes plus a 3 ish minute cooldown stretch it is quick! Time flies with the ticker in the corner! I hope you and Greg enjoy it!

    1. I agree about the ticker in the corner – mentally it really helps me get to the end of each exercise! Some of them are hard to finish, especially doing the videos for the first time. We looked into Insanity and didn’t do it just for that reason, the length! I knew it wouldn’t fit into when we were hoping to work out. My struggle right now is doing it every day… a couple late nights made it feel more important to sleep, and of course I needed to take a few days off after the first cardio video because I worked my calves too hard. In my defense, it was kind of 25 minutes of jumping!

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