Friday – some favorites!

It’s FRIDAY!  I’ve been having a hard time watching Greg go to work.  I really like him and I want him to stay home and hang out with me.  So Friday is a good day 🙂

Besides Greg, here are some of my other Friday favorites, just some things this week that I’m loving.

Running Playlist Song: We Own It.  “One shot, everything rides on tonight, even if I’ve got three strikes, I’m going to go for it, this moment, we own it.”  “I never fear death or dying, I only fear lack of trying…”  This song makes me feel like I’m at the starting line, fearing nothing but lack of trying, ready to give it my one best shot and own the moment.  It’s the perfect song to make it through a hard interval.

Weekend plans: EVERYTHING!  I am running 7 miles tomorrow with a friend who will keep me motivated to hit target pace and not take a break every .3 miles (who does that, I don’t do that, I don’t need serious help, whaaaat…).  Tomorrow afternoon Greg is going to help me take some new photos for the blog and a magazine article I have pending (headshot, coming up!).   I am going to a birthday party tomorrow night and it’s a Vegas theme and I rented a SEQUIN DRESS.  Good times.

Breakfast: Kale toast with fresh tomatoes.  Ezekiel sprouted grain bread, a little hummus (or vegenaise if you’re feeling indulgent), some sauteed kale that has been cooked and then the excess liquid gently pressed out, and a fresh slice of tomato.  It’s amazing, clean tasting, energizing, and goes surprisingly well with coffee.

Tradition: Whenever we open a bottle of wine, we look at the year it was bottled and think about what was going on that year.  Probably a lot of people do this, but it was only recently that I noticed that Greg and I always check the year and reminisce.  2010 is a particularly good one – we became parents!

Moment: Seeing Greg’s face when he brought in the very first heirloom tomato of the season!  It was HUGE, and he’s been waiting oh so patiently for it.

Accomplishment: Running 5 miles on the treadmill with no babysitter and no major catastrophes from the kids!  They played with the exercise ball, did a puzzle together, told me stories while I was running, and then watched t.v. for the last 2.5 miles and a quick shower.  Their ability to hang out peacefully for even a few miles means that I have the flexibility to run even if there’s a snow day or a babysitter cancellation… and that is huge.  I prefer to run when they’re otherwise occupied, but knowing I can squeeze in a run if I’m desperate is a good feeling.

Photo of me: Just a recent photo Greg took.  We were at a picnic night at a local farm, it was a gorgeous night, the kids were having a blast.  Greg had taken a half day so we could spend some time as a family.  I was happy.  Like many moms, I have so many photos of my children, and so few of myself.  Seeing this photo captures a memory, I can see happy and relaxed in my face.  A good reason to not shy away from the camera.


How’s your Friday, and what would be on your favorite list?



  1. I don’t look at the year on my wine bottles, but that’s a great idea!

    1. It’s the second thing I look at after seeing if the bottle has a pretty picture. Needless to say, Greg is the wine curator of our household 🙂

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