Great run with my sister!

Had a great run with my sister while I was in Maine on vacation!  She has been running off and on due to some knee concerns, and I had done a long run and donated blood two days earlier, so we were both in the mood to take it easy and chat.

It was so nice to run with my sister on a cool Maine morning while the kids had a special breakfast out with their grandparents!  Makes me wish we all lived closer together.  (My sister lives in CT, and I live in MA, and the rest of our family is all in Maine.)

Took a quick picture of us out for our run… I’m not loving how I look in my men’s under armor hat!  The top is oddly weird and shapeless, the brim is too widely floppy… yuck.

So I picked up a new one today at Marathon Sports along with a new pair of sneakers… that I am SUPER excited about.  (The shoes, not the hat… the hat is fine, but I am excited about the shoes.  More on that another day 🙂

In the meantime, just remembering back to that cool brisk air, being with my sister, and a leisurely run.  It was the type of relaxed running that I dreamed of when I took up running in the first place.  I remember huffing and puffing on a 5 minute running increment of Couch to 5k and seeing these gorgeous, willowy women running down the brook path chatting with each other.  I was so envious.

Except now I’m not… because that’s us.

Speaking of us, let’s just share a trend here:

K: awkwardly large sunglasses.  E looks great

K: pregnant and large in the face, huge hat. E looks great

K: heading out in the rain like it’s the apocalypse.  E looks great
K: funny white head thing.  E looks great  😉



  1. So you are saying, at some point, I might be able to chat and not feel like I am going to die? I just finished Couch to 5K and found your blog when I was looking for “what next” type ideas.

    I just did my first 5K over the weekend, did pretty good – but dang, more hills than I wanted. LOL. Someday I will survive a run without gasping like an asthmatic?

    1. So, I am totally saying that. The trick is just running slow enough so that you can talk the whole time – I can only talk the whole time if I’m running 10:30 – 11 minute pace. The mother’s forum group that I run with sometimes chats constantly at 9:40 pace, while I try not to gasp for air so loudly that they keep asking me if I’m all right. (I may start keeping track of the number of times I get asked this question…)

      But from what I’ve seen and learned on my running journey, it won’t be too long before I’m talking back to them and reminiscing fondly of the time when I could barely keep up.

      It’ll happen. It’ll sneak up on you, and then suddenly you’ll realize you’re on a run chatting with a friend, and you’ll think back to yourself now and smile.

  2. I love the sister pics and it sounds nice, running together. I, like HipChick73, would love it if someday I can carry on a conversation with someone while running! I already run between 11:30-12:00 minute miles so I don’t think I can go much slower without walking! LOL

    1. Also, I could perhaps mention that we didn’t talk the WHOLE time 😉

  3. OK now I’m worried you’re going to think I’m stalking you! Nope, just enjoying your blog 🙂 My younger sister (15 years younger) lives in the UK but we’re both going to South Africa (where we grew up and where our parents still live) for a 3 week holiday in November. She is a casual runner and I am so looking forward to running with her on holiday – we’ve never run together before!

    1. That will be really fun! I hope you have a great time running with her 🙂 It’s such a nice thing to do. I hope I get to do it again soon! I think we’re running a 5k together with some other family members after Thanksgiving and I’m looking forward to that!

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