How are your New Year’s goals going?

It’s almost the end of January, and with that, 2014 is a twelfth of the way through!

I looked at the calendar and realized it was a good time to check in regarding my New Year’s goals.

The glaring item: my goal to average 15 miles a week in 2014.

I met that goal one week out of four – and I was pretty happy with the chance to use some of that running time for other things.

In the winter, it’s often too cold and slippery to run with the double jogging stroller, not to mention how early in the afternoon it gets dark. Every time I run, I am using babysitter time, or taking time away that the four of us would have had as a family. That’s tough.

So I am changing my goal to 9 miles a week and a barre class in the winter, and then starting in late March or April I will begin training for my June half marathon and increase my mileage.

In the meantime, that’s time with my family, to organize, color, read stories, make better meals, and live a little less on the edge 🙂

I am, however, LOVING the barre class I am taking and the chance to diversify my fitness so that stays 🙂

How are your goals going? Did you pick appropriate ones for you?

More time for little moments like these – worth it :). (At least until stroller weather!)






  1. My goal was to run 10 mpw, but I’ve been struggling with tendinitis in both knees so I’ve only reached that one week so far. With the new plan to help control the pain, I’m hoping to start my half marathon training in a couple of weeks!!

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