I’m IN! I’m going to be a Triathlete!

I’m IN!!!!! I’m going to be a Triathlete!!!


I learned to spell triathlon correctly last week; so excited to use this new knowledge. (I thought it was triathalon. It’s not.)

I’d better learn to swim.

I’m over-run with emotions. I’m excited to be doing something new and outside of my comfort zone. I am nervous about learning to do the crawl stroke (which the cool kids just refer to as free-style, but I am not cool).

I’m thrilled and happy and excited.


I’m humbled to be part of this huge fundraiser for cancer screening, prevention and research. I’m saddened by the reminder of the people I know who have lost their lives to cancer, and the people I know who have suffered and we’re lucky survived.

For every moment of joy in the training and racing process, there will be no small sadness lurking underneath, too. I can picture my great-aunt smiling. My sister’s roommate laughing over a ridiculous cookbook consisting entirely of recipes with SPAM as the main ingredient. The wife of my Dad’s cousin, so athletic and good-humored, encouraging her kids to go out for one last water-ski before they left the 4th of July Family Reunion.

They’re gone.

They left people behind who miss them every single day.

I want to be part of the cure. Part of the prevention. I want this to stop happening. I think old age is a great way to die.

I hope you agree, and if you do, I’d be honored if you’d consider donating to my fundraising page for Tri For a Cure. Even if it’s just $5. That’s like, a cupcake. (We have expensive boutique cupcakes available around here.)

Think of it as an opportunity to make me think of you when I’m out in the middle of the bay in the ocean trying not to revert to the doggie paddle thinking I CAN’T LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!!! I’m an athlete! I AM SWIMMING THIS!!!!


1 comment

  1. Congrats! I’m sure you can do it, and such a great cause!

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