Is blogging worth my time?

This morning I read a post titled “Dear Mommy Blogger” by Josi Denise that’s going viral in the blogging community.

It’s, um, critical of the blogging experience.

The social media frenzy, writing fake upbeat reviews of products online, spending money on blogging conferences, commenting on other people’s blogs without even really reading them for the link-back, all of it.

It’s a long post, with a lot of good points.

And it had me re-evaluating my own blogging. Is it worth the time I put in? When I write a post with zero comments, would I be better off spending that time reading with a cup of coffee on the front porch?

But then I look through my e-mails and messages. The one where someone says that I’ve inspired them to sign up for their first Tri. Or that they’ve just finished their first 5k and they wrote a quotation from my blog on their arm to get them through their race. Or that they’re going to *eek!* train for their first half marathon, because they read my posts and realize it’s attainable, even though they’ve got kids and a busy schedule, too.

I’ve received a lot of emails like that since I started doing this 3 years ago.

And I would sit down and write a private e-mail to any one of those people about running, any day. Even if just one of them was going to read it.

I’ve never gotten involved in product reviews or social media apps that follow and unfollow people, so I’ve avoided a lot the experiences Jodi Denise is scathingly critical of.

I started this blog because so many of the running blogs out there were written by distance runners and speedsters. People who’ve run dozens of marathons, at 7 minute pace. People I could admire but not relate to when I was struggling with Couch to 5k and pushing a jogging stroller doing 11 minute miles.

When I sit down and write, it’s because I love what being active has done for me, and I love sharing it with you. I love putting my novice journey out there for the world, showing you don’t have to be winning awards to love running.

Realizing there are readers out there that this blog has helped in some small way, that’s worth it.

You’re worth it.

So here I am.



  1. Go for it. I’ll keep reading.

  2. Definitely worth it! As you know, your blog has been such an inspiration and encouragement to me!

    Funny you wrote about this today. Just this morning I was thinking how even if no one read my blog, i’d still keep writing for me 😉

    PS I have also been thinking about a TRI, but I am a terrible swimmer and very timid cyclist…but then 3 years ago I never would have thought I would run a HALF MARATHON! 😀

    Keep on writing =)

    1. That’s the best place to be, where it’s rewarding enough to write that you would do it for yourself. I think it’s really hard to shut out the blogosphere’s pressure to be more than we are, and it’s good sometimes to take a step back and evaluate and perhaps realize that this IS enough, it’s worth it.

  3. Holy crap, the title of this post made my stomach drop when I thought you were going to hang up your keyboard. I’m so glad you’re sticking with it. Knowing you and reading your blog has had a PROFOUND impact on my life.
    – my first half marathon was extra awesome because you were so excited for me and you encouraged me when I envisioned myself crawling across the finish line in last place
    – you sent me a vegan cookbook and the recipes are so amazing that I bought Thug Kitchen
    – you published my recipe review
    – after a horrible half marathon, you found several silver linings, making me feel better about it
    – you started me thinking maybe I could run a full marathon, and you were excited for me when I did
    – I want to continue to read about you and your kids and your triathlon and Greg and healthy eating.

    So, don’t stop blogging – ever.

    1. Thanks Mair – I’ve loved hearing about your running! It’s so much fun to know I have kindred spirits out there on the road:)

  4. Please don’t stop blogging! Trust me, people are reading even if there are no comments. One of the reasons I’ve stayed with your blog (started reading when you trained for your first half) is that you stay away from the sponsored posts and the “click bait” type of post. You’re honest and relatable, and you’ve inspired me many times since I started running!

    1. 🙂 Thanks! That’s so crazy to think of how much things have changed since I started training for that first half! I bet you’ve changed a lot in that time too! Glad to hear you’ve been along for the journey 🙂

  5. I may not respond to your posts, but I always look forward to reading them. Thank you for taking time to write them.

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