New 5K PR! Bad Habit Productions 5k Race Photos & Recap

Ran my first repeat race this morning!  A year ago, the Bad Habit Productions 5k was my very first road race.  I had just completed the Couch to 5k Program and my goal was to run without stopping!  I did, in 32:53.  A few months later, I pushed hard in a Burn off the Turkey 5k the Saturday after Thanksgiving in my hometown, and set a 5k PR at 29:58.

Today, I wanted to celebrate my first race anniversary in style, with friends, tutus, and a (hopefully) PR!  Running with friends in tutus crossed an item off my running bucket list, and plus it was just fun!  I love fun.  Running SHOULD be fun!

We did it!  My new 5k PR is 29:38.  Not only did my awesome friends show up and run the race with me in tutus, they both got age category awards (pint glasses, awesome) and we had a great time.  The race benefits an improv theater group, so I figured it would be pretty tutu friendly.  The race director did the macarena on the course to cheer on runners (and gave raffle prizes to runners who did it back, like my friend Marya!) and it’s got an overall fun feel.  It would have felt weird to run it alone in a tutu, but add a couple friends, and it felt festive, celebratory, and really fun!

Age group award! 
Age group award!

I pushed hard, but maintained a constant pace for the 3.1 miles.  I felt like dying for about a minute afterwards, and then five minutes afterwards I felt like I could probably run 5 more miles.  I think long distance running has really messed up my pacing!  The urge to stop is strong, but the urge to keep going after a brief break is pretty strong, too.  I think that’s progress from how I felt a year ago!

It was a small race and a beautiful course along the Charles River with no road crossings.  Very little elevation change – perfect for a PR despite the warmth and humidity!  The winner was a 50 year old male with over a TWO MINUTE LEAD.  Incredible.  Other highlights were seeing a 72 year old woman cross the finish line (she wasn’t even last) and seeing an expecting mother race in a cute shirt that said “running for two” on it.

Big thanks to Greg, for taking awesome photos, for Susie & Marya for running with me in tutus, and for Nana and Grampa Bill for taking care of Will & Andrew at home when the forecast called for scattered thunderstorms and scared spectators away!

Next race… my half marathon.


(Susie?  Marya?  No?)

If you’d like to run your own race in tutus, ours came from and they’re very easy to run in!  They even have bib holders on them so you don’t need safety pins.  Plus, they look awesome with my sparkly soul black running headband.

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  1. Congrats on the PR! Looks like y’all had a blast.

    1. Thanks! It was a great time. Small race, lots of fun 🙂

  2. Congrats! I knew you could do it!

    1. Thanks Jill! I saw your comment before I headed out and it made me smile 🙂

  3. Congrats on the PR and good luck on your upcoming race! I have never worn a costume for a race, but this looks fun!

    1. It’s a blast! I want to do a Halloween 5k this year if I can work it into my schedule, I’ve never done one, and EVERYONE dresses up to run those which is a total blast.

  4. There are the tutus you promised! Looks like you and your friends had a great time. Congrats on the PR!

    1. Thanks Mary Sue! I kind of loved the tutus… they were really fun and people could tell we were together. Lots of smiles!

  5. WOW, I love the picture of the winner and also the older woman. I saw a very old gentleman on a 5K course earlier this year. He was moving slow, but actually not that much slower than me. I seriously hope I’m still running when I’m that age. It’s so inspiring to see these folks out on the course!

    1. I completely agree. I actually saw a woman running/speed walking who must have been in her 80’s once when I was driving. I wish I’d been running so I could have talked to her, and told her how much I want to be like her when I’m that age. I bet she has a great personality and story of being active.

  6. I love you, and I will run with you in a tutu anytime, but not a chance on that half! You can do the tri with me on Saturday if you want…we can even wear the tutus!

    1. Unknows = Marya 🙂

    2. hahahaha…. I’d love to see that tutu hold up through the swim/bike portion! Why don’t you do a test run for us and see how it does 😉

    1. haha, it was, except for that horrible picture of me right near the finish when I was kind of working for it 🙂

  7. Kelly! We just saw your post. This is so awesome. Congrats on your 1st race anniversary, your age category awards, and everything you have to celebrate. Especially loving the plank pose on your blog with your little one. It’s so awesome to find extra motivation on the course – whether it be age-inspired winners, striving for that PR, or friends in tutus! Hope you continue to enjoy, and big congrats! – Christina + Julie with Tough Girl Tutus

  8. I ran a 5K glow race with my daughter, my friend and her daughter – we all wore fairy wings.

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