New gym swim swim swim

After spending the summer swimming in an immaculately gorgeous outdoor pool, I had trouble going back to my old gym, which wasn’t always… clean.

So I joined Greg’s gym, which is a further drive, but spotless. I mean, spotless. It’s the ultimate luxury. From the quiet and peaceful pool to the gorgeous tiling and constantly cleaned showers. I think about the grapefruit scented bath products on non-gym days. They’re that good. (Yes, they sell them, but I think bringing them home would destroy the specialness of it.)

I also signed up for more swim lessons, because I still want to swim a sprint triathlon distance without having to backstroke (zig-zag) most of the course. Technique, technique, technique… that’s what everyone says about swimming.

I love the swim instructor / personal trainer I’m working with. (To be clear, I loved my last one, also.) She’s incredible at breaking down the movements, and showing me outside the water exactly how the body should rotate. She watches so carefully every time I do the exercise and narrows in on exactly what I should focus on each time I push off. One thing she mentioned was that in order to really build muscle memory, you need to practice less than 72 hours after your last session, so we’re meeting twice a week for the next three weeks and then I’m trying to swim once on my own as well.

How am I going to do that and crash-train for the Chilly Half Marathon?

Um, it’s essential cross-training. Totally part of the plan. I GOT THIS.

Anyway, I had a great swim at the pool today. One of the most relaxing things about working with a trainer at the pool on technique is how intently you have to focus. I had to really listen to exactly what I had done well or not so well, and what motions I was going to attempt to correct the next time around. Every stroke I was thinking about the placement of my hips, legs, turn of the head, straightening of the arms… there’s no room to worry about anything else in life. For an hour, I can barely remember my own name, let alone my lengthy to-do list or the fact that my kids want to subsist on burritos and vegan pizza.

It’s a little like meditation in the sense that your mind is a bit clear for a while.

Tomorrow is a run day, and Friday is another long run!


1 comment

  1. The new gym sounds great and so does working on your swimming! Good luck on your long run! Keep us posted on your plans for the Chilly!

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