Picture Your Post-Race Celebration While You Train & Race



I like to picture my post-race celebration while I train for a big event, while I run the big event, and any time I need a little extra motivation during my running journey.

Having a little celebration ritual planned helps keep the end of a race from feeling anti-climactic.  Without any planning, you can find yourself rushing home after a race to shower and get lunch on the table like it’s any other day.

My post-race celebration has become pretty simple – I look forward to the moment after the race when I’m showered, comfortable, and can pour myself a celebratory beer.  Wearing the race medal is optional.  Thinking about how awesome I am during that first sip is not.

It’s a small ritual, it doesn’t take up much time, and it’s compatible with the whole “need to have lunch with the family” thing.  But it’s a special moment I look forward to, when I take a moment of silence to appreciate my own accomplishment.

I highly recommend it.

Give yourself something specific to look forward to after a big race.  Picture that moment, and how good you’ll feel about the work you put in, while you’re training and racing.  Have it help you up the hill, and then when you get to that moment you’ve planned, reflect back on your struggling self and congratulate you on getting to this moment (and knowing that you would).

Pride in yourself is a beautiful thing.  It motivates us, makes us stronger, and rewards us for the hard work we put in to being our best selves.  Make time for it.






  1. I think that is a great idea! Definitely adding that to tomorrow’s 11 mile run!

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