Plank a Day

I’ve recently gotten onto Twitter, and one of my favorite things about it is that you can create your own little world made up of the people you follow.  I follow lots of runners, mothers, people into fitness, environmentalists, other knitters.  Every time I log in to twitter, I feel like the world is filled with people like me, and I get news, information, and updates that are relevant to my interests.  It’s nice.  It’s like I’ve created my own virtual world where my interests are everyone’s interests, and I’m reading tweets from positive, eloquent people or Huffington Post updates with GOOD news about what’s going on in the world around me.

I love it.

Want to eat more meatless meals?  Get on and follow a bunch of vegetarians who like to post photos of what they have for dinner and re-tweet recipes.

Want to stick with an exercise habit?  Fill your twitter feed with people who are running and loving it – it’s easier to get out and run when you feel like everyone’s doing it.

Thanks to following the right people on twitter, lately it’s felt like EVERYONE is doing some variation of the plank a day challenge.  You guessed it, they’re all doing a plank a day, and many of them are posting about it on twitter or Facebook.  In fact, there’s a whole hashtag for it on twitter, #plankaday, where you tweet your planking time each day, and @Plankpolice reminds you when you miss a day (but leaves you alone after two reminders, so it’s not a hassle if you move on to a different fitness challenge instead).  You can read more about it on the official website, here:

Kind of neat.

My favorite part is that it takes only a few minutes a day, and I really feel my abs working towards the end.  It gives me that light burn afterwards that makes me feel like I’ve actually worked my muscles – pretty awesome for something that takes so little time it’s manageable even if Will and Andrew are playing on the floor next to me!  Although, it’s a lot easier if they’re napping because they tend to climb on top of me.  Not good for your form.  (Form is really important

My sister even jumped on board after seeing me doing my daily plank – just one more thing for sisters to talk about 🙂

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my sister, doing a plank with a little help from Will

I like healthy trends, I could probably use a reminder from the plank police if I stop, and since I found it because I followed people on twitter who were doing it, and now I enjoy it, I think I ought to spread the word with my daily plank tweet.  It’s pretty easy to ignore if you’re not interested 🙂

Runner’s World has a video showing proper form for planking so you get the most benefits and reduce your risk of back injury!  You can check it out here if you need a planking refresher: (It’s a shirtless guy, if that helps)

What healthy habit do you try to do daily?

What type of people do you follow on twitter?



  1. I have just gotten into Twitter and follow health conscious people and food network cooks. Twitter is a little overwhelming at first but I am learning 😉 My healthy habit right now that I am focusing on is drinking a gallon of water a day.

  2. You got me at shirtless guy… 😉

    Having just gotten back from an awesome 3 week family holiday where only 2 out of the 3 sets of running gear I took with me were actually worn (one of which was for my first ever run with my little sister!), right now my healthy habit will be to get back to normal eating and drinking and exercising!. I did climb up Table Mountain in Cape Town and did a fair amount of slow walking while sightseeing and shopping, but I definitely ate and drank more calories than I burned! Oh well, that’s what holidays are about, isn’t it?

    1. That’s EXACTLY what the holidays are about, and I find it’s not that hard to get back into it afterwards. If we didn’t allow ourselves the flexibility to take a break now and again, we wouldn’t have good balance and enjoyment in our lives if you ask me. You’re preventing burnout, and living life!

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