Refrigerator Burritos

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Lately I’ve been having trouble getting organized and finding enough time to eat a good breakfast or a good recovery snack when I come home from a long run.  So this week, while I was making dinner for Greg and I one night, I threw a pot of beans on and a pot of rice on specifically to keep in the fridge.  With some shredded cheese, spinach tortillas, and jarred salsa, we now had ingredients on hand in the fridge to make vegetarian burritos any time of day.

I know that breakfast burritos traditionally have eggs or other more breakfast-y ingredients in them, but I don’t really LIKE eggs in my burritos, so I decided I’d just as soon eat a regular burrito with my coffee in the morning.

They make a great post-run snack, too.  The beans and rice keep for days in the fridge, and assemble in no time to become a quickly microwavable meal.  I lay the ingredients rather flat on the tortilla, microwave for 45 seconds on high, then wrap and let cool slightly before eating.

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Suddenly, I have more energy in the mornings because I’ve had a complete breakfast instead of a few slices of toast or some cereal.  (I actually despise cereal, which is really inconvenient since it’s so fast, easy, and my kids’ breakfast of choice.)  Too many quick breakfast options are high in carbs and sugar without having enough protein to stick with you for the morning… which is one reason I really love a rice, bean and cheese breakfast burrito.  It keeps me full!

The kids will even eat them for lunch if I don’t have anything else planned.


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That burrito looks suspiciously void of any fillings other than cheese….

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I’ll have to do this more often!

What ways do you make eating breakfast / post-run snacks easier?



  1. Well, it’s not healthy but whenever we’ve made pancakes on Saturday mornings, I’ll make extra and freeze them. My daughter grabs one or two and will eat them without syrup on her way to school. Also muffins made ahead really help with breakfast the next few days. 3 mile run today!!

    1. I freeze leftover pancakes, too! My grandmother makes a healthier version of pancakes that has some corn meal and whole wheat flour substituted for some of the white flour, and I feel a little less guilty eating those. Plus, they keep me full longer! But seriously pancakes are SO GOOD in the morning 🙂

      1. I do not understand – what the heck are leftover pancakes?? I have never heard of such a thing! Leftover lasagne, yes. Leftover curry, yes, but leftover pancakes simply do not exist!

  2. I usually just eat some string cheese, or half a piece of bread in the mornings. I can’t eat much before a long run, or my long run will suddenly get very short! I’m kind of bad about recovery food, but my favorite is when my husband makes banana pancakes when I get home. Paired with some chocolate milk, it hits the spot every time!

    1. Banana pancakes are AWESOME.

  3. My recovery food is always the same, everything bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese but I think I am going to add your breakfast burrito to my list … it looks awesome!

  4. Refrigerator Burritos is a good idea that I’m going to try! Especially when coming home from a long run, I like to eat something that is simple to put together and doesn’t take a whole lot of time.

    I would usually make a egg omelet and load it up with mushrooms, but I think I need a little variety 🙂

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