Run Like a Diva D.C.’s Wine Country – 2013 Race Photos

3229, 3165

Hi Fellow Race Participants!

I’ll be posting a race recap first thing tomorrow morning, but I thought it was worth having a separate link for the many, many race photos worth sharing!  My husband, Greg, pursues photography as a hobby.  When he showed up on the sidelines with his good looking camera equipment, a lot of runners were sure that he was a professional photographer!

He had people giving him the thumbs up, posing, and even jumping for the camera… despite being dressed in street clothes and his sandals, chatting with other spectators as he waited for me to come through at Mile 9.  It was too hard to explain to girls on the run that he was someone’s husband and not one of the race photographers, so he snapped some shots hoping that maybe I could post them here and people would find them!

Please share this link with anyone you know who ran, I would love for some of these runners to have their great photos!  (And please comment if you find one of you, it’d make me so happy to know that some of them made it to their people!)

If you asked this guy to take your photo, you may find it below!

I’ve included captions with visible bib numbers so you can do a control f and search for your bib number on the page.  If you see a photo of yourself, please feel free to download it, share it, contact me for a higher resolution digital copy, whatever!  Race photos are priceless – I hope some fellow divas find these, because there were some great ones!

Again, let me know if you see one of yourself and you’d like a higher resolution copy for prints, I can email it to you if you use the comments or contact form and leave me a message!

Best wishes and I hope you had a wonderful race 🙂




1074, 2199, 2735



23, 39


23, 39


23, 39




2819, 668, 2922, 1969





988, 605


556, 2299, 767


3063, 3073, 3117


437, 325


930, 428, 2102, 2480


3214, 1228, 2688


3248, 580, 602


1359, 1811, 2490


1283, 2672, 1934, 2747, 3147


3364, 3030, 3246, 2295


1815, 1875, 2240, 173, 509, 541


1641, 1401, ME! (498), 483, 1804




1611, 376


525, 138


Christine Ross









536, 1127



239, 339


2819, 669


2402, 2811








2036, 220

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    1. I know, right?! I really hope some of these women see them so they can download them and have them!!!

  1. Thank you so much for your hubby taking and sharing some awesome photos on the course! Me and my BFF are in the very first photo on the page. 🙂 I’m from the DC area but I came up from Savannah, GA to do this race with some of my dearest girlfriends I rarely get to see. It was such an awesome girls weekend!

    1. Yay! That’s awesome! I’m so glad you found the photo, it’s fantastic. I absolutely love it! The copy on the site is pretty high resolution but if you want the full size just let me know and I will e-mail it to you so you can share it / print it / whatever! 🙂 I’m really glad to hear from you! Glad you had a great girls weekend and ran a good race. You certainly look like you were having a blast! And that’s at Mile 9!!!

    2. Mile 9? Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! I would love the full size version, if you could send it my way: msfourtune @ hotmail . com (without spaces, of course). Thanks so much!!! 🙂

      So this was your first half? Congrats on completing it! Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come! 🙂

  2. Hi Kelly:

    I would love an emailed copy of my photo, please (Bib 1611/finisher photo). First, thank you and your family very much for this rare experience. It is not very often I get to see myself in a race…and never have I seen myself at the finisher line of a race in a photo. The experience is truly out of this world. I appreciate this moment and look forward to sharing with my family.

    In addition, CONGRATS on finishing under 2.5-hours. This race was def. one for the books. Lots of memories made at DIVA DC. And you helped to make them. THANK YOU and CONGRATS!

    1. No problem! What’s your email? I’ll send it over! You can also email me at kelly @ with you address if you don’t want to post it here, and I’ll send you that photo! I’m so glad you found it 🙂

      That race was crazy, I agree! I’m hoping my next will be as fun but less eventful!

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