Sick Days and Snow Days

Sometimes life steam-rolls over your fitness schedule, no holds barred.

We’ve had snow days and sick days here.

Unavoidable and unpredictable, and suddenly you’ve gone from spending 4-5 mornings a week at the gym to not working out for 10 days straight.

It’s not easy when fitness is where you regenerate, get a mood boost, and take time for yourself.

But even missing it, it can be hard to ease back in. Physically hard and logistically hard. Suddenly you’re used to an extra hour in the morning to take care of those e-mails and phone calls. You’re not in the habit of packing the gym bag the night before. Maybe you’re questioning the whole thing now that you’ve realized how much time you have when you’re not trekking to and from hour-long classes.

But there was a reason.

Get back in.

As soon as you get through all the meetings and appointments you rescheduled because of the snow days, that is.




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