Steel Cut Oats and Track Repeats

Made steel cut oats for breakfast! We usually have rolled oats, which cook slightly faster and have the texture I grew up with.

Steel cut oats have a different shape, and they take longer to cook and to digest. Because of their shape and fiber, they take longer for your body to digest so aren’t as readily converted into sugar. A slower release of sugar into the blood stream provides more constant energy.

They’re both a whole grain option that is a good source of protein and fiber and a great way to start your morning!

I love ours topped with fresh fruit, and frozen blueberries and coconut milk cool the kids’ oatmeal down to eating temperature right away.

The steel cut oats take twenty minutes to cook – but if you simmer them while you get ready for the day that’s no bug deal!

I loved them, and so did Greg and Andrew. Will prefers the old oats…. But change is tricky when you’re not quite 4, so we’ll have to test that over a longer period of time!

Now it’s off to school drop offs so I can hit up the track for three miles of track repeats.

Have a good day!




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