Too sick to run – DNS

Too sick to run, after being awake severs hours coughing and with sinus pain I had to be reasonable and suffer the disappointment of letting this race go.

It hurts to quit, but I suspect it’d hurt more long run to push through this when I need to rest instead.

Heading to spectate – Greg still plans to run. (He’s not feeling great but not quite as poorly as I am.)

Yesterday I was better, things just got so much worse overnight.

Now I’ve got my miles dedicated for Chilly on November 8th… 



  1. Sorry to hear that. That is truly a disappointment to miss out on your race. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Marcia – I’m still really upset about not running, but that’s today’s blog post! I need to get over it and move on. I’m shocked by how upset I am.

  2. And because you didn’t run, you’ll recover quicker from this bug. Take care of yourself and know that you’re doing the best thing you can for your body and your next race by not running today. Hope Greg does well!

    1. I know that intellectually, but not emotionally! Thanks for reiterating what I need to remember… I would be really upset if I didn’t do well at Chilly because I was too stubborn not to rest and recover, all for the sake of a half marathon that I knew I wouldn’t do well at with this cold.

  3. Noooooooo : (

    I hope you feel better soon. Good luck to Greg.

    1. Thanks 🙂 Greg did amazingly well, and he had a fantastic race. It was awesome seeing him finish, that’s always really fun and I never get to do that if I run too!

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