Track Repeats with the Kids

Kids at the track: Greg and I have been toying with the idea of bringing the kids to the track with us so we could run repeats without getting a babysitter.  This weekend we decided to do a test run; we both went to the track and brought the boys, but only I planned to run.  That way we could test out how happy and self-entertained they are at the track.

Our goal is to eventually come as a family and both run repeats.  We would leave them in the middle, alternating our hard laps and recovery laps so someone was always more responsible for supervising.  It’d improve our weekend because we could both run at the same time, the kids would get a change of scenery and be outdoors, and we wouldn’t have to hire a babysitter for the morning when we really only need one for an hour.

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Verdict: They LOVED being at the track.  They enjoyed climbing in and around the drill tires on the field and kicking the ball around.  Greg brought his camera and used it to encourage them to play a little without him while he took some photos – seeing how well they’d do on their own.  They had the most fun with Dad (well, duh) but liked running around and playing on their own, too.

I’m sure I ran a little faster with an audience, and I loved having Will there to give me a high five at the end.  Maybe next weekend Greg and I will bring them and both be running 🙂



Confession – Andrew did get a little tired.  (TIRE-d. Get it? Tired??! TIRE?! AHHHH!!!! It’s too good.)




  1. My kids are a bit different age than your kids (almost 9 & 4.5) but I have been bringing them to the track for a few years. Savannah (the almost 9y.o.) runs and loves the track and ever since Jack was about 2 he has been going and we bring a ball or frisbee or Legos and he runs a little (like 200m) then plays in the middle with whatever we brought. It is a great option so I don’t have to find or pay a sitter. Sometimes I go not even to do sprint repeats but just to get a run in and have them do something active in a safe environment.

    1. It’s such a great way for them to be outside, especially if we do some family time before or after so they don’t feel ignored because we’re working out. We’ll be doing it again, for sure. We’re even thinking of going with another running friend of ours who has two, and then it’d be like a play-date while all the grown ups got in their workouts. Fun for everyone!

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