Video: Attempting 50 Push Ups for the First Time

One of my favorite things about blogging my running journey is the ability to look back and reflect on progress.  It’s such a gift to see how much you can change with repeated efforts.  In honor of capturing the journey, I decided to ask my 4 year old to videotape my first attempt at 50 modified push ups so I can watch it months from now when I’m a stronger version of myself.

It’s pretty awesome.

I can’t wait to see how much I improve in one, two, and three months!

Looking forward to the sequel  🙂




  1. You will get there, keep working! Core strength is very important for runners. I timed myself the other day to see how many I could do in a minute and it was 42! But I have been strength training for over 18 months. And the push ups and pull ups are the hardest! I am now at the point where I can do 10 regular push ups. So hang in there and keep working at it.

    1. 42 in a minute is impressive! I am looking forward to seeing improvement – I learned from running the joy of watching myself get better at something that initially felt really hard. I’ll be joining you in the push up club before the year is up, I’m sure 🙂

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