Warm & Rainy = Long Run!

Andrew likes being outside in the rain, too 🙂

It’s oddly warm and rainy out, which means I’m heading outside for a long run!  The freak 55 degree weather has melted the snow off the sidewalks, making outdoor running safer and easier… at least for today.  Tomorrow we’ll be back to 13 degrees for a high, which will probably freeze all this rain into sheets of treacherous ice and send me running back to the treadmill.

I haven’t done a long run since my last half marathon – but today seems like the perfect day to try to maintain my long distance running!  I plan to run for two hours and see how many miles that gets me.

I received an Audible.com membership for Christmas, so I’m going to be downloading an audio book to run with.  I decided on “Once a Runner” by John Parker, Jr.  It’s about an elite runner trying to train for the fastest one-miler of his life… which wouldn’t normally compel me, except this book is immensely popular among runners.  Greg read it and loved it, and thought I would enjoy it.  I guess that although the main character is a college aged male running an insanely fast mile, and I’m a 30 year old female running really slow half marathons, there are still a lot of things that connect us as runners that I’ll be able to relate to.

I’ll be sure to let you know if I agree 🙂

Listened to anything good on a run, lately?



  1. The best book I’ve listrned to in several years is Unbroken. Now I’m on Sycamore Row by Grisham and it’s just ok.

    1. I’ll have to look into “Unbroken”! I like some of Grisham’s… but there are books that I like to read that are harder to listen to because it’s slower to listen than it is to read, and some of the longer suspense/thrillers can be like that.

  2. Enjoy your long run today! Looking forward to your thoughts about listening to a book while running as compared to listening to music.

    1. Thanks Marcia! I loved listening to an audio book – I think it works best when you’re doing a longer, easier run. I can’t focus on paying attention to an audio-book or podcast when I’m doing intervals, or even when I’m doing a shorter but faster run. When I’m running a pace I feel like I can maintain forever, like on my long runs, I’m comfortable enough the whole time to pay attention and it really helps the miles go by 🙂

  3. I love to listen to Another Mother Runner podcasts on my long runs. SBS and Dimity are very entertaining and I find that when I’m listening to something about running it keeps me motivated through my run : )

    Karen @karenlovestorun

    1. Thanks Karen! That’s a great idea – I have their book “Run Like a Mother” and I enjoy reading Dimity’s articles in Runner’s World. I should definitely listen to their podcasts, I’m sure I’d have a lot to relate to!

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