What the H#$* am I doing?

Last night I was pulling the foam roller out from under the bed thinking about what a bad @$$ I am because I’m running hard enough to need to foam roll (need… as in, it actually changes how I feel afterwards).  This thought about how awesome I am was interrupted by another thought: What the H#$* am I doing?!?!!

I’m 31, I am busy raising two small kids, I didn’t start running until age 28, and I am finishing races in the 66th percentile.  I’m working pretty hard for someone so far from the front.

Why am I taking this so SERIOUSLY?!  I’m proud that I now keep a foam roller under my bed?  Really?  What am I DOING?!  I’m running my butt off to go from the 66th percentile to a goal time that would still be average at best! I EVEN HIRED A RUNNING COACH!

I mean, it’s funny, right?  I’m working very, very hard, and very very seriously at being very, very mediocre at something.

Luckily, that’s not the point.

It’s fun to take something not-serious very seriously.  (Professional sports are a great example.  Go Sox!)

I love taking my progress seriously, feeling pride when I check things off my training list, feeling ecstatic when I have a run goes better than planned.

I love laughing at myself when I skip the second glass of wine because I’m “training”.  I love getting up early in the summer to go for a hard run because it’s “important”.  It’s fun.  It adds meaning to workouts that I might otherwise be inclined to skip, but feel better for having done them.

So, yeah.  There’s a foam roller under my bed.  I’m a half marathon runner.  I have a race coming up.  It’s important.  I’m training.

It’s FUN.



  1. OMG, I have this exact same thought for EVERY HM. Usually mine occurs in the middle of a 9-mile training run (in the heat, uphill both ways, etc).

    I have a HM in September that I’ve been really looking forward to. It’s year #2 of the very first HM I ever ran. Then recently I had a bout of kidney stones that knocked me on my butt for a few weeks. I’m slowly getting back my stamina and I emailed my friend that I think I can do it, but be prepared for ‘what am I thinking?’ emails. She replied, “Yay!!!! I’m ready. Send me your toughest “what am I thinking” emails. I can remind you.”


    1. Good friends are amazing! She sounds awesome 🙂 And she’s right! I hope you keep recovering and training goes well. It’s really fun to run a half marathon you’ve already run before – there’s this “I’m still here” feeling that can’t be beat. Enjoy 🙂

  2. I just ran my first 10K and am training for my first Half in November. I’m super slow (although improving) and that’s always my goal….to just keep improving. Who cares if I am not as fast as my friends or if I take walk breaks. I am still out there running the same race!

    1. Yes! Exactly 🙂 I wish you the best on your first half! It’s really a special thing when you make it through your first.

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