When people are no longer surprised by your running

We were up in Maine during an incredibly hot weekend in July. Temperatures were in the nineties, combines with sun and humidity that made it difficult to even BE outside, let alone RUN outside.

I was at an event with some mutual acquaintances, and I told one of them that Greg had run the Shipyard Half Marathon that morning despite the intense heat.

She just shrugged her shoulders, said “of course he did” and asked how my boys were.

Umm, what? What do you mean “of course he did?!” IT IS 90 DEGREES OUT!!!! People fell over on the course! That’s THIRTEEN (.1) MILES!!!!

Ok. Yeah. Of course he did.

I can see her point – Greg has been running very seriously now for over four years, he’s run 4 marathons and 14 half marathons (I think, I’m losing track) and is always towards the front of his age group.  Freezing rain doesn’t stop him.  Wind doesn’t stop him.  90 degree weather doesn’t stop him.  Really, there just isn’t much that stops him.

And yet… now that I’m a runner, I realize that just because he runs fast, long, and often, doesn’t mean it’s EASY.  Yes, he could easily run a half marathon at MY pace, but when he goes out and runs a half marathon in 90 degree weather at HIS pace, he works AS HARD AS HE CAN for all of those 13 miles.  And it’s not easy.  It’s worth more than a shrug, that’s for sure.

But at the same time… it’s a big compliment when you do something awesome and people are no longer surprised.

A friend asked me recently about my running and I told her I was signed up for another half marathon in June, but had been running less recently because of busy family life and the freezing cold weather.  She didn’t seem surprised by either statement.

That’s right… it’s no longer surprising to someone that I’m signed up for a half marathon.

Hmm.  Neat.

Happy running – will you get so far people stop noticing?  Another good reason to do it for yourself 😉


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