Do You Have a Running Bucket List?

I recently signed up for a twitter account (@iamrunningthis), and immediately started following some of the big names in running and checking out hash-tags related to running.  I have no idea what I’m doing on twitter, yet, but when I sign in I’m flooded with tweets about running, mostly from expert sources that are significantly far removed from my own running experiences.

One of my favorites was a little back and forth between runners on #RunChat about how great it feels to power up a hill past a cyclist doing 7 something minute miles.  Umm, right.  Maybe I’m following the wrong people, here.  I’m all about being inspired by the greatness of others, but this is a bit much.

It inspired my cheeky little photo edit, above.  (Will doesn’t mind being exploited for my running blog.  I asked.)

It also made me think about what would be on my running bucket list, if I had one.  It would be pretty cool to run up a hill past a cyclist.  It would also be cool to run through an unfamiliar city on vacation, beat my 30 minutes in a 5k while pushing the double jogger, and do a New Year’s Day race with a friend in tutus.

There are a lot of really fun things I’ve done that felt crazy the first time but are seeming more and more normal:

I have:

  • Run a 5k pushing both kids in the double jogger
  • Had half a bottle of wine and still made it through a five mile run the next day (ill advised, but it says something about my dedication to running)
  • Run while on vacation in another country
  • Driven somewhere just to go for a scenic run
  • Gotten up at 5 a.m. (multiple times) to go for 9 and 10 mile runs
  • Gone running with a group
  • Headed out for a family run with my husband pushing the double jogger
  • Run with a teddy bear in one seat of the double jogger to make my toddler and other passers-by smile
I have not, but would like to:
  • Beat my current PR for a 5k (29:58) while pushing the kids in the double jogger
  • Do a race with a friend where costumes are encouraged (maybe one of the Halloween races, the New Year’s Day race where people run in pj’s, tutus, etc)
  • Keep up with Greg for a quarter mile at his regular running pace without having heart failure
  • Run the entire three miles with the mother’s forum running group at their conversational jogging pace (ie, without them slowing down a ton for me)
  • Run the half marathon in September!
  • Run the same race two years in a row and do better the second time
  • Run from my in-laws house in Maine to my parents house (5 miles, but hilly)
What’s on your bucket list?


  1. Right now my running bucket list consists of:
    running a 5k without stopping
    running a 5k in 30 minutes
    run the color run race or a glow in the dark race
    and I’m taking 2 of yours which is running in costume and run in another country preferably with a beach view!

    1. Awesome! Your first two items matched my first two items a year ago! I BARELY squeaked in with the 5k under thirty last November. There are a lot of cool 5ks out there – hadn’t heard of a glow in the dark one but now I’m curious!

  2. What a fun post! Let’s see…
    Run a 5k under 30 min
    Run a FULL marathon. Yikes!
    Win a race. Hey, a girl can dream! haha
    Get to the point where 8 miles becomes an easy run.
    Run the Boston marathon
    Run NYC marathon

    One day…

    1. You are supremely motivated! Let me know when you run Boston I always watch from the halfway point 🙂

  3. Bucket List:
    – Finish a half-marathon
    – Earn a medal in my age group in a 5K

    Done List:
    – Ran my first 5K before I turned 50
    – Ran a glow race (they changed locations and it was way too dark, extremely happy I didn’t get injured)
    – Ran a 5K at Angel’s Stadium (got to run on the field!)
    – Ran a 10K in a vineyard – my favorite race so far

    1. You are so brave to do a glow-run! I’m not sure I would attempt one! Since I have kids that go to bed at 7:30, I so rarely go ANYWHERE after dark. When I do run after dark, it feels like I’m doing something CRAZY!

      1. My BFF was contemplating taking up running so we both signed up with our daughters. We got separated because she ended up walking the course, but we sure looked cute in our glow jewelry and fairy wings.

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