Reminder: your kids are watching

Andrew got up this morning and after making his usual oatmeal he staged it to look pretty and then photographed it before eating. Now, where do you think he learned to do THAT?! 😂 (Hint, follow me on Instagram to see his inspiration.)

As cute as his banana blueberry oatmeal is, it was a chilling reminder that our children watch and imitate us because not all my habits are cute.

A reminder to be mindful of what we do and say and prioritize, how we handle frustration, how often we are present vs distracted.

I love posting food photos because it’s fun and inspires plant-based eating, but seeing my 6 year old photograph his food before he ate it felt a little… weird? I hope that he knows that I make healthy and delicious food for my family because I love them and want to nurture them as my first priority, and not just because it photographs well for Instagram.

It was a blatant reminder that my kids see and learn from everything I do. Sometimes, that’s wonderful. I’ve written before on the blog about how much I love setting an example for my kids when it comes to prioritizing fitness and competing against myself and not others. But they’re not just watching the awesome things we do, they’re learning from us when we’re irritated breaking up a sibling squabble or on our phones at the dinner table, too.

So. Adorable banana blueberry oatmeal that my child is confident enough to prepare for himself and proud enough of to photograph. And a gentle reminder to be the parents we want to be as often as possible because the most important people in the world aren’t just watching, they’re learning.


1 comment

  1. You are an amazing mom.

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