“When you think you’re done, you’ve just begun!”

This was the sage advice Will chirped from the backseat this afternoon in a sing-songy voice, reiterating a recent lesson from kindergarten.


Will went on in depth to explain the writing process for the books they’re working on in kindergarten, but the catchy little phrase stuck with me after.

So many times I’ve thought I was done when I was just beginning. Couch-to-5k is the most obvious example. I had no idea where I would end up, and I know it would make that 5k finisher so proud.

Reflecting on the times we thought we were through when we were just getting started usually gets us thinking about areas in our life where we’ve made the most progress. Progress we might not have dreamed of when we completed that first stage and thought we were through.

Take a moment to think about all the times you’ve accomplished something exciting, only to discover it was just the beginning.




  1. Sage advice indeed!

  2. I’ve got a couple of hobbies where this applies – I taught myself to crochet (from a book) when I was in high school. Fast-forward to me crocheting a multi-colored blanket for myself that turned out so well, every family member (there are 7 of us) wanted one. I enjoy jigsaw puzzles so much I now put together the 9,000 piece ones. My husband is a woodworker so I picked up scrollsawing and some of my creations decorate my house.

    However, I have to say that, like you, running is where the surprise came in. When I think back to my first 5K and my unpreparedness and naivety, it’s crazy that now I’m running marathons.

    1. Scrollsawing can produce some really beautiful things – that’s awesome that you picked up a skill that complements your husband’s, too! But I know what you mean about running being the surprise… when you’re struggling to make it that first mile it’s hard to believe you would EVER want to run long!

  3. Love this advice! Perfect timing for my running right now. The words of a child are always the best😄

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