If you’re tired of your own excuses, stop making them.


I’m tired of hearing my own excuses for things this week.

I’m supposed to be tapering, but not as much as I have been!  I used the taper as an excuse not to run four days in a row because I was so busy with groceries, Halloween, and life.

It happens to all of us.  The more behind we get, the less efficient our day-to-day lives become, because we’re taking short cuts that cost us time later.  Misplaced items, wasted leftovers, takeout because we didn’t start a meal on time.

I am going to take a deep breath.  I am going to stop apologizing and offering excuses, and I’m going to state a brief action plan for how I will prevent something from happening in the future instead.

No more telling myself “I didn’t run this week, because it was too busy, and I know I really should, but…” instead, I’m going to say “It’s been a busy week so I’ve been missing out on my runs, so I’m going right now, or I’m setting my alarm and getting up early tomorrow to go.”

No more “I’m so sorry it’s been a crazy week and I just keep running behind”.  Instead, I’m going to get ready with time to spare, and stop squeezing in every last possible household task before we get in the car and go.  And if I’m late, instead of offering excuses, I’ll apologize and say “I will leave earlier from now on.”

It’s a small, subtle change, but I think it’s one that’ll help me.  Instead of Apology + Excuse / Reason,  I want to use the strategy of stating Apology + Action plan to prevent recurrences.   In the first, I sometimes feel helpless and defeated and like I’m not taking responsibility for messing up or being overwhelmed.  In the second, I feel like I’m still apologizing, but instead of excusing my own behavior, I’m making a promise to do better in the future with a specific action plan I can follow through on.

It feels better.

I’d write more on this, but I’ve been using my busy schedule and my half marathon tapering as an excuse not to run, and so I’m going to go for a run RIGHT NOW.





  1. I have been making excuses a lot lately..especially when it comes to running. I am in taper mode now too for my race next Saturday and I have been using that as an excuse to slack. I need to get it together! What race are you doing?

    1. Hope you can get out and go for some slow runs during your taper – I did get out this afternoon and it felt GREAT. I am definitely going to try to run more frequently but with shorter long runs after this next half marathon is over!

      I’m running the Chilly Half Marathon in Newton, MA on November 10th 🙂

  2. Kelly, you may already know this but the behaviour you are about to change is going to make a HUGE impact on your children and in a good way. Children hear us make the excuses to others along with an apology but the very seldom hear us say how we are going to prevent it from happening again.

    How did your run go?

    1. Thanks Anita! I think it’s a really important difference, and I know it makes me feel more positive and in control when I change the way I phrase an apology to include an action plan to prevent recurrences rather than an explanation of why it happened this time.

    2. I forgot to say – my run was great! Short and sweet and just what I needed 🙂

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